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The FxTradePro is a Foreign Exchange Risk Management tool, robust, scalable, and secure solution for the enterprise to manage their foreign currency exposure. It is seamlessly integrated with like Baan, SAP, Oracle etc.

FxTradePro provides the necessary visibility of the existing foreign exchange exposure. The tool covers all the possible instruments like Spot transactions, Forward Contracts, Options, Interest Swap’s, ECBs, FCCBs etc. The tool employs mathematical models to optimize the existing portfolio. The tool will also provide heuristic model to forecast future exposure position.


  • No such solution available today, most of the activities done in excel. Covers all types of instruments like spot, Options, Futures, Interest swaps, Foreign currency loans like ECB’s, FCCB’s
  • Seamlessly integrated with back end ERP like SAP, Oracle, Baan etc.
  • Calculates profit or loss on any transactions
  • Complies with the current statutory requirements
  • The primary benefits of FxTradePro will allow Forex dealers within organizations to automate the process managing the foreign currency exposure. The FxTradePro will allow for integration for RSS feed for live Fx quotes, LIBOR rates or other data.

    FxTradePro Enterprise Server is designed to retrieve and push data from a company’s backend data source (Baan, SAP, Oracle etc.). Currently the solution has been deployed in Usha MartinLtd. Talks are on with various large companies to deploy the solution.

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